[or-roots] Edith Dye

Sue Steward ssteward at ccountry.net
Sun Aug 14 21:54:04 PDT 2005

Les, just for your info, I got delayed birth certificate info on my
husband's grandmother and Dad and other family members from Coos County and
the file was at the state archives.  I personally went to Salem when I was
up that way for something else and they brought out the files for me and I
copied what I wanted from the file.  For the delayed birth certificates they
had to provide records which were proof of their age and information they
provided on parent's names and place of birth, etc.

I also got estate records from Polk County at the State Archives on my
husband's great great grandfather (John L. Hamlin).  Had the inventory of
all property in great detail: farming equipment, tools, etc., no real
estate.  John Hamlin had remarried in 1871 in Douglas County (his 3rd
grandson was born in 1872/my husband's grandfather) and when he died in 1878
(date of death included in estate papers) he had 3 minor sons listed in the
estate papers which we had never even heard anything about.  It was really
neat to get the information that was available in the estate papers.  Prior
to finding these estate papers through the State Archives historical
records, we had only looked for information on him in Douglas County.  Just
last month we finally found where he was buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in
Polk County and were able to go there and take a picture of his headstone
which gave us a birthdate which we did not have.

We live in Jackson County.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Leslie Chapman" <reedsportchapmans at verizon.net>
To: "Oregon List" <or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us>
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2005 9:28 PM
Subject: [or-roots] Edith Dye


 If you aren't in a giant hurry, I am really pining to get to Roseburg and
do some more research on my people and have a punch list of folks to look up
for others, I have added Sue's information about the delayed birth stuff to
my list of things to do over there. I don't know if the State archives can
help you with those as I am pretty sure the originals are still in Roseburg
as far as I know.

While I am at it, I extend the invitation to anyone who is interested in
having a lookup in the Douglas County courthouse to email me either on or
off list;

 Les C reedsportchapmans at verizon.net

 with who they are looking for and what they are hoping to get. One
provision, if you are after probate record info, you might want to give some
thought to just how much "stuff" you want and how much you want to pay, if
someone's request only runs me a few sheets, I am not going to get excited
about being reimbursed, but if you want a "complete" probate record it might
run 5 to 15 dollars, also concering probate records, consider the fact that
some of the "stuff" may be documents once handled by your ancestors and
having a copy of some piece of "stuff" such as the receipt for posting the
legal notices in the paper might be of interest to you; ironically I have
yet to obtain probate records for any of my kin myself.

 Once again be advised it may be some time before I can make this trip, I
should be down to eight jobs soon and down to five or six in a few weeks,
but they will be keeping me busy for at least a month or two.

 Les C

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