[or-roots] Heritage Quest access thru Multnomah Co. Library

W David Samuelsen dsam at sampubco.com
Sun Oct 2 23:07:08 PDT 2005

If you have library card from Multnomah County, you can access.

HQ is tightening the accessibility.

David Samuelsen

karfranw at juno.com wrote:
> Here is the website address for the genealogy page for Multnomah County Library website.  You can click on the Heritage quest link.  But, when you get there and click on the Census, you have to have a user name, and a password.  I am waiting a reply to an email I wrote to the library to find out exactly what it is.  Here is the link:  http://www.multcolib.org/ref/gene.html
> Hope this is what you want to know, Dan.
> Karla Williams

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