[or-roots] another "mystery" question

cjp joppe cjpjoppe at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 1 10:08:41 PDT 2005

I am curious - I have a photo of my Grandmother Viva
Vivian Courter in what appears to be a high school
photo from 1915 - on the back it says DHS 1915.  All
of the girls (no boys except one older male
instructor?) and instructors are wearing white
uniforms - I would think it nursing except as far as I
know she wasn't one. 1915 would put her at about 18. 

There is another photo of her w/ same group of gals
same uniforms in a wagon in a parade/no date - maybe
something having to do with WW1 because there are lots
of red white and blue ( best guess/black and white
photo) buntings and flags.

any input thoughts or ideas appreciated.

cjpjoppe at yahoo.com
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