[or-roots] Robinson and Smith

Bonnie Combs tosca at prodigy.net
Wed Aug 9 11:25:23 PDT 2006

Hi, all
  I never did anything like this before, so please bear with me.  Besides being ignorant about genealogy I am a computer dummy, self taught.
  My paternal grandmother's maiden name was Bertha Avis Robinson.  She was born in Missouri in the 1880's, we think in Grundy County.  She married Irvin Hugh Smith, we think in Portland Oregon (Multnomah County).   I have searched all the *free* Oregon and Northwestern data banks I can find and can't locate a marriage certificate, license, or record of any kind.  I can no longer drive, so that is also a problem.  Irvin Hugh Smith was born in 1880 in Canada, we think in St. Johns Newfoundland, and I can't find him either.  Haven't  been fighting that so much because of his common name, hoping to sneak up on him via my grandma.
  All your ideas are most welcome.  I would appreciate any help anyone can give.

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