[or-roots] naturalization papers

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Tue Feb 14 15:46:09 PST 2006


If you can find out where Ezra got married you can probably find his
naturalization papers to.

I would caution both you and Dale to be careful of your geopgraphy when
searching for these things though, if their residence is closer to another
county seat than it is to the county seat of the county they live in, you
might have to look there. For example a lot of "official" documents for
folks here in Reedsport, Douglas County are obtained in Coos Bay, which is
in fact neither in Douglas County, nor is it the county seat. I've been told
that a lot of folks in the area south of Canyonville used to go to Jackson
county since it was closer.


It is entirely possible that the person that told you NA on the census
record believed they were giving you the correct information, ordinarily in
governmentese if you see NA in a blank that is what it means, if that person
was NOT familiar with census abbreviation they would assume that meaning. On
the other hand, if they weren't familiar with the form they were referring
to they SHOULD have asked someone who knew the information.

Lotsa luck.

Les C

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