[or-roots] 1964 FLOOD

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Sun Jan 1 09:54:51 PST 2006


if I had the radio on Johnny Cash would probably be singing "How High's the
water Mama"  because the fire department just started closing the dikes here
in Reedsport. The nephew was curioous about the 1964 flood and I ran across
the following link for New Richmond which has a lot of interesting pictures.
Now if I just new where that is I would tell you, but I think it's in


Wow, I just stumbled across PDXhistory.com


I think some of you posted parts of it in the buttermilk discussion, but I
didn't really look at it, what a site!

I got there backwards from "The Oaks" flood page.

a couple troutdale 1964 flood photos;

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