[or-roots] [Fwd: Oregon Trail 1852]

Layne G SAWYER Layne.G.Sawyer at state.or.us
Wed Jan 4 13:22:13 PST 2006


DLC stands for Donation Land Claim.  The number refers to the
certificate issued for that donation.  The Oregon State Archives has the
original records on microfilm which you can order for 75 cents per page.
 The Genealogical Forum published a multi-volume work which extracted
most of the genealogical information.  You might be able to hunt the
books down in your local library if you don't want copies of the actual
documents. Or you could ask the reference staff just to copy that entry
from the books which we have in our library.

You can contact the archives reference staff at:

reference.archives at state.or.us 


Layne Sawyer
List Mom
Oregon State Archives

>>> basia at k-online.com 1/2/2006 2:20:58 AM >>>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Oregon Trail 1852
Date: 	Mon, 05 Dec 2005 13:17:49 -0800
From: 	Barbara Cater <basia at k-online.com>
Reply-To: 	basia at k-online.com 
To: 	or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us 

The Oregon Trail 1852 Emigrants listing has Gearhart, William, DLC 
#1057 Lane County. What is DLC and numbers 1057? Would someone please 
email me back  and let me know the meaning and how I can order the 
Thank you in advance and Happy 2006.
Barbara Cater

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