[or-roots] typhoon

George Ross ross1948 at bendcable.com
Mon Jan 9 06:46:09 PST 2006

October 12, 1962....The night the Madison High School "Class of 66" was to 
entertain at half-time during the football game. As we met in mass, there 
were several hundred of us, in the school cafeteria we could hear the wind 
and listened to things hit the building and windows as they flew around 
outside.  Someone found a tall ladder and sat on top with a lantern that 
provided the only light as we ate our cold hamburgers. Of course we couldn't 
leave the building unless our parents came after us.  Even for me who only 
lived three blocks away it took my mom and a neighbor over an hour to cover 
the distance. Those who lived along the Columbia River were sent home via 
taxi.  Needless to say our class never performed the Hokey Pokey at 

Julie Langston Ross
MHS Class of '66 

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