[or-roots] World Wide web

W David Samuelsen dsam at sampubco.com
Tue Jan 31 23:36:13 PST 2006

rootsweb are searchable  Yahoogroups are not. Yahoo is archrival of Google.


CKlooster at aol.com wrote:
> I was surprised a few years ago to find this list Google-able also.   Many 
> lists are not, and I think it is a good idea to let new people on the list  know 
> that what they post here goes out to the world.  I modified the  information 
> that I post as soon as I realized how public and searchable it  is.  For 
> example, this post that I am responding to includes a complete  address and phone 
> numbers...which are not necessarily things that many people  chose to share 
> with the world at large.  It's a good "heads up".
> Carla

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