[or-roots] spelling

Chris & Bill Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 8 07:42:57 PDT 2009

Leslie Chapman wrote:

>Whoa, the only hard copy genealogy I do ...

I used to have to print everything, like so it wouldn't disappear on me 
-- well, another printer finally died on us (too cheap to buy new ink 
cartridges) -- that was about a year ago, and I have discovered that I 
*don't* have to print everything onto paper -- if it is important 
genealogy, I cut & paste it into Notes -- otherstuff (yes, that's one 
word, not a typo) goes to one of those PDF "printers" and gets saved to 

And wouldn't you know, that case of paper we bought a year ago is still 
full?  We have a fancy new wireless printer unit setting here, but I 
haven't yet been fully motivated to finish the install (I have the power 
hooked up). Maybe before Fall Term starts ...

The stacks on my desk haven't gotten any taller (or shorter) over that 
last year at least -- sorta like the waistline -- no radical changes are 

Bill Strickland

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