[or-roots] Updates to Coos and Curry county websites

Robyn Greenlund rgreenlund61 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 8 16:38:32 PDT 2009

Updates to Coos and Curry counties, for Genealogytrails and coquillevalley.org -- Enjoy!
1) Added news schools to schools list and photos for several http://genealogytrails.com/ore/coos/schools/schools.html
Bandon High School - Class roster for 1913
Riverton School

2) Biographies - Coos county http://genealogytrails.com/ore/coos/1898his/1898bio.html
Carver, William M.
Moore, David L.
Roberts, Manley

3) Newspaper Article, discussing what Coos County did for victums of the San Francisco Earthquake in 1906, L.C. Bargelt http://genealogytrails.com/ore/coos/news/misc.html
Many other articles as well.
Names Mentioned and year of article:
Averill, Jimmie 	1886
Bargelt, L. C. 	1906
Barr, Lt. Willard D. 1936 (Texas too)
Christie, J.O. 	1905
Covell, Alton 	1923
Covell, Arthur 	1923
Covell, Mrs. Fred 	1923
Crook, T.W. 	1886
Daly, E.E. 	1901
Doe, C.F. 	1903
Fales, George 	1891
Grant, Levi 	1898
Hazard, S.H. 	1886
Jorgensen, Capt. J. 	1903
Loggie, G.W. 	1886
Luse, [William A.] 	1874
McIntuff, Mable 	1944
McQuigg, Jesse 	1901
Nelson, Capt. 	1892
Nosler, Bird E. 	1907
Nosler, J.H. 	1907
Peterson, John 	1901
Sampson Bros. 	1874
Schetter, Fred 	1886
Waldridge, Mr. 	1891
Webster, A. 	1891

4) 1923 list of Surviving Mexican War Veterans of 1848 http://genealogytrails.com/ore/coos/military/mexican.html

5) WWI US Army casualty list from Coos County http://genealogytrails.com/ore/coos/military/wwi_army-coos.html

6) Births, Deaths, Marriages and Illnesses
Deaths http://genealogytrails.com/ore/coos/death/obituaries.html
Ayers, Clarence M.
Lang, Robert Henry
Lusk, William
Mecum, Lyle
Train, Oliver
Wimer, Lydia Jane [Custar]

Births http://genealogytrails.com/ore/coos/death/births.html
Bargelt, (boy)
Barzee, [Duane]
Bryant, (boy)
Coffey, (girl)
Drake, Robert Lyle
Jewett, (boy)
Ostlind, (girl)
Steward, [Harry B.]
Schaffer, William Guy

Illness http://genealogytrails.com/ore/coos/death/illness.html
Hayes, Adolphus
Smith, W.D.L.F.

Marriages http://genealogytrails.com/ore/coos/death/marriages.html
Broullette, Felix
Holzgang, Robert B.
Kinnicut, Thomas (Tom)
Lawhorn, Walter
Lockhart, Frank
Root, Thomas
Ullstrom, William

7) Biographies - Curry county http://genealogytrails.com/ore/coos/1898his/1898bio.html
Blackerby, Elza M. (was incorrectly entered as Blackberry, Elza M.)
Zumwalt, Charles W.
Zumwalt, Henry J.

8) Coquillevalley.orgminor changes
Updated Heritage Tour [http://heritagetour.coquillevalley.org/tour.php]

9) Coquillevalley.org
Added Index to Hangman's Call and Table of Contents [http://hangman.coquillevalley.org/]
 Robyn Greenlund

Interested in Oregon History? Check out my webpages at
coquillevalley.org or genealogytrails.com (Coos & Curry Counties)

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