[or-roots] Norwegian ancestry

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Mon Jun 22 11:26:03 PDT 2009

For those who have recent (IE last 200 years) ancestors from Norway there
online archives have added a lot of stuff since last I visited. I am going
to be good and stay away as I have most of what I can expect to find already
in my files, but if you have an ancestor from there whose family record is
mostly blank spaces you might be able to find more here;


sometimes it will kick you back into Norwegian, but there is usually a
button somewhere to get back to English.

I realize this is a little afield from Oregon genealogy, but I am working on
grampa Hansen and was rereading my email file and had to change my link to
the census for him since it had changed in the data base and thought I would
pass this on.

Persons looking for help with Norwegian research should find a link to a
very helpful list on the same site if I remember correctly.

Les C

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