OSPS E-News ~ Late transfers resulting in overpayments

Announcements from OSPS to the users of the Oregon State Payroll Application osps-news at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Tue Mar 5 15:55:08 PST 2019

Payroll professionals,

Employees who transfer between agencies will not feed from Workday (WD) to OSPA until the business process is complete in WD...for both agencies.  This delay in information feeding to OSPA could create a situation where the employee is overpaid by the losing agency.  There are a two typical scenarios below and options to address these scenarios.  How will you know which option works?  The gaining and losing agency's payroll office needs to communicate with each other on how the employee's pay was handled.

Scenario 1 - If the losing agency pays employee for full month and the gaining agency has NOT paid employee for time worked in their agency.
Option 1:  (This is more complicated but it does not involve collecting money from the employee.)

-          Once the transfer feeds over, this creates an overpayment in the losing agency

-          Losing agency notifies gaining agency of overpayment and sends in payment notification form to OSPS Help Desk

-          Gaining agency requests a P370 for the amount of the overpayment, making payable to 'DAS Joint Payroll' and tells the OSPS Help Desk to apply payment to the losing agency's payment notification

-          OSPS Help Desk will apply the 'DAS Joint Payroll' check from the gaining agency to the payment notification form from the losing agency

-          Any amount after the overpayment is deducted can be paid to the employee by the gaining agency either through a P370 or letting it run with the next run of payroll

For example - DOR employee transfers to DAS on February 11.  DOR pays employee full month.  March 5 transfer is updated in OSPA.  DOR and DAS payroll offices talk and DOR tells DAS the overpayment amount.  DAS sets up employee in OSPA and enters PANN entry for overpayment amount.  DAS sends P370 to OSPS Help Desk with note 'make payable to DAS Joint Payroll and apply to DOR's payment notification'.

Option 2:  (Easier process but involves collecting money from the employee.)

-          The gaining agency pays the employee for the hours they worked and the losing agency follows their overpayment collection process

Scenario 2 - If the losing agency pays employee for full month and the gaining agency has paid the employee for time worked in their agency.  Then only option 2 would work.

If you have any questions please contact the OSPS Helpdesk.

Seth Lewis
DAS/EGS/FBS/Oregon Statewide Payroll Services
503-373-0198, direct
503-378-3518, fax
503-378-6777, OSPS Help Desk
seth.lewis at oregon.gov<mailto:seth.lewis at oregon.gov>
Visit Our Online Resource Center:  State of Oregon: Oregon Statewide Payroll Services<http://www.oregon.gov/das/Financial/Payroll/Pages/Index.aspx>

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