OSPS E-News ~ CV getting a leave bucket and CVT changing to CXT

Announcements from OSPS to the users of the Oregon State Payroll Application osps-news at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Mon May 11 15:10:49 PDT 2020

Payroll professionals,

As you know, the COVID leave was rolled out as quickly as possible with the guidance that was available at the time.  As we have dug into the laws more and how it impacts OSPA there are a few changes you will see coming your way soon.  The first of these changes will be to the CV and CVT codes.

For CV, OSPS is creating a leave bucket for it on the P430 screen.  This will allow the system to cap the use of this code at 80 hours.  This change should occur with little impact to payroll offices.  However this will have an impact on the CVT code.  Since CV and CVT start with the same two letters, the system will recognize them as the same leave bucket.  To ensure employees are able to take the leave in the amounts they are eligible for, CXT will being to replace CVT going back to April 1st.  CVT will no longer be available for employees to use on their timesheet.  After the leave accrual runs, employee's CVT balance will be moved to CXT, and CVT will no longer be valid.

On 5/12/20, employees who were using CVT will no longer see that in the system. The balances will have been moved to CXT and CXT will show up on the days that were coded as CVT.

Below is a link for our Teams meeting invite, this Thursday (5/14/20) at 1:30pm to 2:30pm, where we will explain in more detail the reasons for the changes and more COVID 19 updates. If you have any questions, please contact the OSPS Helpdesk.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YzI3YWE4YmItOTdhOC00ZGU0LWJiYzQtZTIyMDEyYjRkYWYw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22aa3f6932-fa7c-47b4-a0ce-a598cad161cf%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22cfc13d7e-9a63-4563-b50a-a48f848c8ec2%22%7d>
+1 503-446-4951<tel:+1%20503-446-4951,,702567622#>   United States, Portland (Toll)
Conference ID: 702 567 622#

Thank you,

Jason Robinson, CPA
OSPS Manager
DAS | Oregon Statewide Payroll Services
(503) 373-0198 - Desk
(971) 900-7688 - Cell
(503) 378-3518 - Fax

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