[yscon] Questions

Pannebaker, Susan spannebake at pa.gov
Thu Aug 10 09:16:45 PDT 2017

Good afternoon,

I have been trying to develop a framework for family engagement based on the IDEA Book by Global Family Research and PLA and have not gotten far as other things keep popping up.  I feel like many of my libraries need a bit more structure than what was in that document.  Then the other day I found the  Parents 2017: Unleashing Their Power & Potential  report (https://r50gh2ss1ic2mww8s3uvjvq1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/LH_ParentsReport2017_20170719_MasterScreen_SinglePages_AN.pdf)  that talked about parents perception of their child's abilities.  That has gotten me energized again.  I am wondering if anyone else has been thinking about what they could do to build on the IDEA book?

The other thing I am working on is helping PA libraries move toward summer learning.  My goals  are to find ways to reach more kids especially in rural areas and to shrink the opportunity gap. Libraries  need to be the place every child no matter the family's income can participate in programs that provide a chance to dabble in different topics and see what sticks.  One of our libraries has actually provided a week long dance camp.  If anyone else is heading in this direction I would like to talk with you.

And in answer to the question about collaboration software.  I have nothing I can use at work.  We are locked down pretty tight.  I do work arounds with my iPad, computer at home and USB sticks.


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