[HealthyTribes] Quit Line promotion

Sarah E BARTELMANN sarah.e.bartelmann at state.or.us
Fri Sep 9 11:40:45 PDT 2011

Hello all,
We are preparing to send out a letter about the Quit Line to various organizations across Oregon.  This is part of our planned Quit Line promotional efforts under our state Quit Line ARRA funding.  The letter will provide some basic information about the Quit Line and ask that these organizations promote the Quit Line to their clients or their members (depending on their audience).  
The letter also includes information about available tools for Quit Line promotion, including fact sheets, printed materials, fax referral forms, etc and details on where to download the materials (you can find these resources online at www.smokefreeoregon.com/quit/quit-resources/). 
I am attaching a list of organizations we are planning on including in this mailing, but I know there are a lot more out there and that you are working with many others in your communities.  If you would like us to add any local organizations to this mailing, let us know and we will include them!
Please email me with any additions to this list by Wednesday, September 21st.  
Thank you,
Sarah Bartelmann, MPH
Cessation Coordinator

sarah.e.bartelmann at state.or.us 
phone: (971) 673.1080
blackberry: (503) 490.5689
fax: (971) 673.0994

Oregon Public Health Division
800 NE Oregon Street, Ste 730
Portland, OR 97232
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