karfranw at juno.com karfranw at juno.com
Tue Jun 28 19:28:30 PDT 2005

Dear Carla,

My name is Karla Williams.  My father was in the Marine Corps, during 
WW2, and became sick over in the Pacific.  He was in the war on Guadalcanal, and from that point, when he became ill, was sent to the Naval Hospital in Paekakariki, New Zealand, then to the Naval Hospital in
San Diego, then to Sun Valley Idaho, where he was given a medical discharge.
I remember when I was a kid, he needed verification of his service record for some reason or another and his service records were destroyed or something for some reason or another, and I think it was a fire, but am not sure.  
He did however, have some sort of proof, besides a picture of himself in his Marine uniform.  I do, however, have a framed copy of his enlistment cerfiticate that was sent to my grandparents.  I don't have any other of 
his service records.  
I guess the military never thought about the possiblity of military records being destroyed by any means, including natural disasters.  They can be as organized as they can be, but something always seems to slip through their organization.  LOL.


Karla Williams
karfranw at juno.com

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