[or-roots] Pacific Typhoon- Columbus Day 1962

glenkc7mbm at comcast.net glenkc7mbm at comcast.net
Sat Jan 7 18:38:36 PST 2006

As I said in my other response I was inVietnam in a typhoon. But talk about hunting in a wind storm, mtyhunting partners and I were down on the Big Elk Just in from Elk City when we had a 100 mph storm hit the coast, was not to bad at our camp but we could look up at the ridge tops and said no way were we going up there, the next day we had to go throught the roads with chain saws to get anywhere, the covered bridge at Elk City had just been restored and it blew into the Yaquina River, so much for the bridge.

Glen A. Jones

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Leslie Chapman" <reedsportchapmans at verizon.net> 

> Hi Bill; 
> Bummer, aint puters wonnnerlu. Was just noticeing lasst night that for the 
> umpteenth time I am trying to reorganize on a new one because the old one 
> jsut wasn't cutting it and find a whole list of folks I have promised CD's 
> and stuff to that probably never got them because the project got lost in 
> the shuffle. SIGH. Will try again to contact them when have the time, if any 
> of them are in here feel free to drop me a note off list to chastise me 
> reedsportchapmans at verizon.net 
> and I will put you in the queue, I think I will make a directroy labeled 
> "promises" that my computer will open up every time I turn it on just to nag 
> me. I discovered a lot of those proomises while trying to archve my backlog 
> of personal genealogy email in a usable form, after two days archiving just 
> what med the move from the last machine I stll have two screens full of 
> letters to go and 30 page file created. 
> As to Columbus day, I remember it well Mom, Dad, middle Bro and Zeke the 
> faller were storm bound for two weeks in Alaska by the tag end of it, sure 
> raised heck with Oregon timber. Went deer hunting across the river here once 
> in late '60's and took two hours climbing over windfalls from storm to top 
> of ridge, got the bright idea of trying different route down and spent 
> another hour crawling down hill in bear run through salmonberry. It occurred 
> to me part way that maybe that wasn't smartest place to be, but by then 
> didn't have much choice. 
> Les C 
> I sure have been having trouble trying to stay off 'no mail' on this 
> list -- wonder why it keeps getting changed? 
> Anyway, in the interest of maintaining a correct historic Oregon 
> timeline, since I didn't see it mentioned under this subject, many of us 
> have had the typhoon experience without the aid of a naval enlistment or 
> commision. 
> October 12th, 1962 -- The Columbus Day Storm -- was the remnants of a 
> pacific typhoon. 
> Happy New Year -- keep your shoes dry! 
> Bill Strickland 
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