[ORMAP-Tech] Cadastral Fit Proposals

Mon Oct 25 09:39:50 PDT 2010

Issue 1: Cadastral FIT Organization 

I would like to propose..

a. We expand the ORMAP technical committee to also be the  Cadastral Fit Committee. Our meetings are open to anyone and I assume interested state agency folks that are already on the Cadastral FIT could come to our meetings. 

b. The first item for business at the ORMAP technical committee meetings could be the FIT meeting. This will allow interested state agency folks to attend and then leave. (However, I feel it is  important that these folks see what goes on in our meetings and that may help them understand our issues better.)

c. Phill M. becomes the FIT Coordinator.  Phil is already coordinating for us and he already facilitates our meetings. He is doing a good job and I think if the countys can trust him to do our grants right we ought to be able to trust him to represent us on FIT. 

It seems a little silly that we meet as ORMAP folks discuss proposals and informally approve them so that another group can do the same thing.  We already have an organization that cares deeply about the cadaster and a coordinator doing a good job. I think one reason you may be having problems filling this position is that it really appears to be redundant.  I've checked on the FIT site on the DAS's site and it appears that this would easily work within the FIT structure.  It does not stop the other work groups from meeting (by the way I resigned from the PLSS group years ago and the site has not been updated).  I would assume that any issues with the PLSS framework would greatly impact our group. 

Issue 2: Adopt Proposals 

At the recent ORMAP technical committee meeting it appears that we approve the following proposals to be taken forward to the cadastral fit. 

--> Proposal 1: Adopt WMS as the standard for publishing taxlot mapping services. The "WMS" is an open source standard that should meet our needs.  The standard is widely accepted, it is vendor neutral and allows for graphic viewing and identifying of taxlots by service consumers. 

--> Proposal 2: Adopt the ORMAP cadastral standard (features and attributes joined) as our content standard for publishing WMS's. 

--> Proposal 3: Expand the taxlot exchange standard to contain a field called "referencelink" that is 254 characters  in length. 

--> Proposal 4: The "referencelink" field could contain three optional values: a) a link to the county web site, b) a link to a metadata/disclaimer description or c) a link to go directly to that taxlot in the county web mapping site. 

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