OSPS E-News ~ FW: Automated Step Increase Process

Announcements from OSPS to the users of the Oregon State Payroll Application osps-news at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Wed Sep 7 11:09:07 PDT 2011

We are forwarding this in case you are not on the PPDB distribution


Katherine Bremser
Training Coordinator
Oregon Statewide Payroll Services
State Controller's Division
Department of Administrative Services 
Online Resource Center: http://oregon.gov/DAS/SCD/OSPS/
Data Classification: Level 1 - Published

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Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:14 AM
Subject: Automated Step Increase Process


To minimize the amount of any possible overpayments or retro changes
that may need to occur due to collective bargaining agreements pending
ratification, HR Systems will again delay the Automated Step Increase
process until preliminary payroll run 1 for September. This will ensure
that any eligible increases due in September are processed in time for
the October 1st paychecks. Please check the PPDB PBNG newsletter for


Thank you.


Brandon Dolquist

HR Systems Analyst

Department of Administrative Services

Human Resource Services Division


503-378-5734 fax

Asset Classification Level: 1 - Published

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